President’s Letter

Great News The Permeable Reactive Barrier Will Be Installed in Carters River This Summer to Hopefully Reduce GHP Phosphorus and Prevent GHP Cyanobacteria Blooms!



Year in Review

  • Partnered with the Town of Plymouth by contributing $5,000 toward the $37,800 needed for the installation of a Permeable Reactive Barrier and the evaluation of its removal of phosphorus from the Carters River



Water Quality Report

Kim Tower and David Gould of Plymouth’s Department of Marine and Environmental Affairs (DMEA) have set forth an ambitious plan of data-gathering, permitting, and construction to put the PRB in place to remove phosphorus from GHP.

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Affects of Climate Change on Birds

Increasing temperatures, altered habitats, and extreme weather conditions have lead to changes in migratory birds’ patterns and behaviors

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Kristin AndresNative Plants and Ecological Landcare

Kristin will discuss via Zoom how to incorporate more native plants into our yards to create better habitats to encourage and sustain birds, native pollinators and other insects.

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River Herring Network Annual Meeting

Based on feedback from the Diadromous Fisheries Biology & Management Project, we will be making some changes in our visual counts for 2024.

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Innovative and Alternative Septic Systems

Bryan Horsley gave an interesting and informative presentation on September 20th on the work being done at the Massachusetts Septic System Testing Center (MASSTC) to reduce the pollution in our groundwater, ponds, and estuaries due to septic systems. 

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Vote January 13th, 2024

On January 13, there will be a special Plymouth election to decide whether the Town Meeting approved small alcohol container (“nip”) ban in Plymouth should be overturned.  

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